(Puerto Peñasco, MX)

We are thrilled to support you on your journey to Rocky Point Stem Cell Therapy in Puerto Peñasco, Mexico, for your upcoming mesenchymal stem cell treatment. To ensure a seamless experience, please find detailed instructions below covering every aspect of your trip and treatment.

Travel Preparation:

  1. Travel Documents:
    • Ensure your passport is valid for at least 6 months beyond your travel dates.
    • If driving, secure Mexican auto insurance online or at the border and carry your vehicle’s registration and a valid driver’s license. Check to see that your registration in up to date. If expired, the Mexican authorities may send you back across the border to the US.
    • Review any additional documentation requirements, particularly for non-U.S. citizens, such as visas or entry permits.
  1. Accommodation:
    • Confirm your booking details, including the address, check-in times, and any security deposit information. Consider contacting your accommodation directly to inform them of your treatment schedule in case special arrangements are needed.
  1. Transportation:
    • If flying, check airline policies regarding medical equipment or medications you may need to bring.
    • For those planning to drive to Rocky Point, it’s important to ensure your vehicle is road-ready by conducting a thorough maintenance check, including verifying tire pressure, oil levels, coolant, brake fluid, and ensuring all lights are functioning properly. Additionally, acquaint yourself with the driving route to Puerto Peñasco and note the locations of gas stations along the way to avoid running low on fuel. There is a gas station at the Lukeville border crossing if needed.

Here are some additional tips and considerations for driving in Mexico:

Driving in Mexico – What to Expect:

  • Road Conditions: Be prepared for varying road conditions. While major highways are generally in good condition, secondary roads may be poorly maintained with unexpected potholes or uneven surfaces.
  • Traffic Laws: Familiarize yourself with Mexican traffic laws, as they can differ from those in the US. Speed limits and signs may not always be as clearly marked as you’re used to.
  • Toll Roads (Cuotas): Mexico has a network of toll roads that are well-maintained and offer a safer and faster option for long-distance travel. Keep some cash in pesos handy for tolls, as credit cards are not always accepted.
  • Military and Police Checkpoints: You may encounter military and police checkpoints when driving in Mexico, especially on highways and in border areas. Remain calm, be polite, and comply with any instructions. These checkpoints are routine security measures.
  • Safety Precautions: Always lock your vehicle and avoid leaving valuables in plain sight. When possible, opt for secure, well-lit parking areas.
  • Gas Stations: Most gas stations in Mexico are full-service, so an attendant will pump your gas for you. Tipping the attendant a small amount is customary.
  • Emergency Services: In case of an emergency, dial 911 for assistance. It’s also wise to have contact information for roadside assistance if your insurance or rental company provides it.
  • Navigational Tools: Consider using a reliable GPS or a navigation app on your smartphone, keeping in mind that cell service may be spotty in remote areas. Having a physical map as a backup can be helpful.

By preparing your vehicle and familiarizing yourself with these aspects of driving in Mexico, you can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable journey to Rocky Point for your stem cell treatment.

  1. Money and Currency:
    • Exchange a portion of your money into Mexican pesos for smaller purchases and tips. ATMs in Rocky Point may offer favorable exchange rates, but it’s wise to have some cash on hand upon arrival. Most places in Rocky Point accept US dollars but you will receive your change in pesos.
    • There are many currency exchange apps that you can use with your phone.
    • Notify your credit card company of your travel dates to prevent your cards from being flagged for suspicious activity.
  1. Health and Safety:
    • Bring a list of current medications and any important medical documents.
    • Ensure your travel insurance covers medical treatment abroad and understand the process for seeking care in case of an emergency.
  1. Communication:
    • Investigate international plans with your current provider or consider renting a portable Wi-Fi device for continuous internet access.
    • Download offline maps and translation apps to assist with navigation and communication.
  1. Language and Culture:
    • Learning polite greetings, numbers, and key phrases can greatly enhance your experience and interactions with locals.
    • Understand local dining etiquette, tipping customs, and any significant cultural dos and don’ts.
  1. Activities and Entertainment:
    • Schedule light and relaxing activities that won’t interfere with your treatment schedule, such as gentle beach walks, cultural tours, or culinary experiences.
  1. Border Crossing Tips:
    • Aim to cross the border during off-peak hours to minimize wait times.
    • Keep all travel documents easily accessible for border officials.

Pre-Care Instructions:

  • Begin a mild detoxification regimen a week prior, focusing on eliminating toxins from your body through increased water intake, healthy eating, and possibly, light exercise, as advised.
  • Gradually reduce the intake of substances that might adversely affect stem cell efficacy, such as alcohol and nicotine, at least a week before your treatment.
  • Ensure you get adequate rest leading up to your treatment to support your immune system.

During Your Stem Cell Infusion:

  • Wear comfortable clothing and consider bringing a book, music, or another form of light entertainment to stay relaxed during the infusion.
  • The infusion process is generally painless, but you might feel a slight pinch during IV insertion.

Post Care Instructions:

Rest: Take it easy for the rest of the day following your infusion. Some patients may feel fine immediately afterward, while others might experience fatigue.

  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water to help your body process the therapy and aid in recovery.
  • Nutrition: Follow a healthy, balanced diet to support your body’s healing process. Some clinics might recommend specific dietary guidelines to enhance the therapy’s effectiveness.

Activity and Exercise:

  • Light Activities: It’s usually safe to resume light activities and work if you feel up to it, but listen to your body and rest as needed.
  • Avoid Strenuous Exercise: Refrain from vigorous physical activity for at least 24-48 hours after the infusion to allow your body to adapt to the treatment.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun as much as possible and use sun block as needed.

Monitoring Symptoms:

  • Mild Reactions: Some patients might experience mild reactions like headache, mild fever, nausea, or flushing during or shortly after the infusion. These are generally transient and resolve on their own.
  • Adverse Reactions: Though rare, if you experience any severe reactions or symptoms (such as high fever, chills, chest pain, or shortness of breath), seek medical attention immediately.

Follow-Up Care:

  • Follow-Up Appointments: Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments with your healthcare provider to monitor your progress and address any concerns.
  • Report Changes: Inform your healthcare provider of any significant changes in your condition, including both improvements and any adverse symptoms.

Lifestyle Considerations:

  • Healthy Lifestyle: Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol, can support the success of the stem cell therapy.
  • Stress Management: Engage in stress-reducing activities and ensure you’re getting enough sleep to aid in your recovery.


  • Prescribed Medications: Take all medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider.
  • NSAIDs: Some providers may advise avoiding non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for a certain period after therapy, as they could potentially interfere with the stem cell activity.

Long-Term Care:

  • Patient-Specific Instructions: Your healthcare provider may give you additional or specific instructions based on your individual health status, the type of stem cells administered, and your overall treatment plan.

Your commitment to following these guidelines will play a significant role in the success of your treatment. We look forward to welcoming you to Rocky Point Stem Cell Therapy and are here to assist you every step of the way.

Warm regards,
Rocky Point Stem Cell Therapy


Bella Sirena

Paseo De Las Dunas KM 3.7, Sandy, 83550 Puerto Peñasco
Bella Sirena

Peñasco Del Sol Hotel

Paseo de las Glorias No 1, 83550 Puerto Peñasco
Penasco Del Sol Hotel

Sonoran Sun Resort

Camino a la Choya km 4, Fraccionamiento Costa Diamante, 83550 Puerto Peñasco, Son., Mexico
Sonoran Sun


Al Capone’s Pizza & Beer

Andres Quintana Roo, Sinaloa Puerto Penasco
Capones Pizza

Aqui Es Con Flavio

Avenida 1° de Junio Kino No. 10, 83550 Puerto Penasco
Aqui Es Con Flavio

Candy Cake

Calle Ninos Heroes 239, Centro, 83550 Puerto Penasco
Candy Cake

Cholla Bay Oyster House

Calle F M35 L21, 83550 Puerto Penasco
Cholla Bay

JJ’s Cantina

C. F Mz 35 Lt 3, Laguna Shores, 83560 Bahía la Choya, Son., Mexico

The Point Restaurant

Malecon Kino numero 200, Colonia El Puerto Puerto Penasco
Food-The Point

Wrecked At The Reef

Camino a la Choya Km 3.7, 83555 Puerto Penasco
Wrecked at the Reef